Abracadabra! With this magic set show the audience an empty magic hat and make a plush bunny rabbit appear from it! Master 75 classic tricks including making the cute disappearing Magic Rabbit, Linking Rings, Cups & Balls for example.The young magician can make objects appear and disappear in their bare hands and much, much more!Remember practice makes perfect. Always keep the secret of how to do the tricks and have fun!
1x Magic Hat
1x Plush rabbit
1x Magic wand
3x Magic cups
1x Trick card
1x Optical illusion disk
4x Cotton balls
4x Linking rings
1x X-Ray vision box
1x Dice
5x Mini magic rabbits
1x Magic hanky
1x Magic ball
1/2x Magic gimmick ball
6x Computer cards
2x Banana cards
1x Magic rope
1x Ball stand
1x Detailed instruction manual
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