Rubik's Master 4x4


Solved the 3x3x3 and looking for a new challenge? The Rubik’s Revenge (4×4 Cube) is the 4x4x4 version of the original classic Rubik’s Cube. Also known as the Rubik’s Revenge, it promises timeless problem-solving fun. Unlike the original Rubik’s Cube 3x3, the 4x4 it has no fixed facets: the centre facets (four per face) are free to move to various positions. The 4x4 is slick, fast and robust due to the tough tiles and the smoothing mechanism used. The Rubik’s Cube 4x4 has 24 edges, 24 centres and 8 corner fields, it features a unique mechanism designed for maximum solving speed. The world record for solving the 4x4 cube currently sits at 18.84 seconds. Go on, become the next record breaker!

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